Graduate Student
Room G.017
Dover Street Building
Department of Chemistry
The University of Manchester
M13 9PL
Development and Optimisation of NMR for High Pressure Reactions
In 2020, I completed a BSc in Applied Chemistry at Aston University with a final year project supervised by Dr Rob Evans. The project involved the use of slice-selective NMR techniques for following structural changes occurring due to a change in solution pH. I completed an MSc in Chemistry at the University of Sheffield in 2021, working with Dr J. Grant Hill on a research project in the field of quantum chemistry. In Oct 2021, I started a PhD at the University of Manchester supervised by Dr Ralph Adams, Dr Laura Castañar Acedo, Dr Jordi Bures and Dr Alexandria K Rogerson (Bruker), and funded by Bruker.
Publications (Most recent first)
None, yet.