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Dal Poggetto, G, Favaro DC, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2014.  19F DOSY NMR analysis for spin systems with nJFF couplings. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 52:172-177. Abstract
Aguilar, JA, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2014.  Suppressing exchange effects in diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 238:16-19.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Kolmer A, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Thiele CM, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2014.  Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 239:130-138.
Foroozandeh, M, Adams RW, Meharry NJ, Jeannerat D, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2014.  Ultrahigh-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 53(27):6990-6992.
Ebrahimi, P, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Jensen HM.  2014.  Cleaning up NMR spectra with reference deconvolution for improving multivariate analysis of complex mixture spectra. Journal of Chemometrics. 28(8):656-662.
Basar, N, Damodaran K, Liu H, Morris GA, Sirat HM, Thomas EJ, Curran DP.  2014.  Systematic Comparison of Sets of 13 C NMR Spectra That Are Potentially Identical. Confirmation of the Configuration of a Cuticular Hydrocarbon from the Cane Beetle Antitrogus parvulus. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 79(16):7477-7490.
Foroozandeh, M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2014.  Ultrahigh-Resolution Total Correlation NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136(34):11867-11869.
Kaltschnee, L, Kolmer A, Timari I, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Köver KE, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2014.  â€œPerfecting” pure shift HSQC: full homodecoupling for accurate and precise determination of heteronuclear couplings. Chem. Commun.. 50:2512-2514.
Adams, RW, Byrne L, Kiraly P, Foroozandeh M, Paudel L, Nilsson M, Clayden J, Morris GA.  2014.  Diastereomeric ratio determination by high sensitivity band-selective pure shift NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Communications. 50(19):2512.
Vieira, MGS, Gramosa NV, Ricardo NágilaMPS, Morris GA, Adams RW, Nilsson M.  2014.  Natural product mixture analysis by matrix-assisted DOSY using Brij surfactants in mixed solvents. RSC Adv.. 4(79):42029-42034.
Aguilar, JA, Morris GA, Kenwright AM.  2014.  Pure shift 1H NMR, a robust method for revealing heteronuclear couplings in complex spectra. RSC Advances. 4(16):8278.
Acar, E, Papalexakis EE, Gürdeniz G¿zde, Rasmussen MA, Lawaetz AJ, Nilsson M, Bro R.  2014.  Structure-Revealing Data Fusion. BMC Bioinformatics. 15(1):239.
BjörnerÃ¥s, J, Botana A, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2014.  Resolving complex mixtures: trilinear diffusion data. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 58(4):251-257.
Kiraly, P, Adams RW, Paudel L, Foroozandeh M, Aguilar JA, Timári Ián, Cliff MJ, Nilsson M, Sándor Péter, Batta G et al..  2015.  Real-time pure shift 15N HSQC of proteins: a real improvement in resolution and sensitivity. Journal of Biomolecular NMR.
Goodwin, CAP, Joslin KC, Lockyer SJ, Formanuik A, Morris GA, Ortu F, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Mills DP.  2015.  Homoleptic Trigonal Planar Lanthanide Complexes Stabilized by Superbulky Silylamide Ligands. Organometallics. :150213001042005.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  2015.  The Varian story. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 250:80-84.
Timári, Ián, Illyés TündeZ, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Szilágyi László, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2015.  Precise Measurement of Long-Range Heteronuclear Coupling Constants by a Novel Broadband Proton-Proton-Decoupled CPMG-HSQMBC Method. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(8):3472-3479.
Swan, I, Reid M, Howe PWA, Connell MA, Nilsson M, Moore MA, Morris GA.  2015.  Sample convection in liquid-state NMR: Why it is always with us, and what we can do about it. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 252:120-129.
Aguilar, JA, Cassani J, Delbianco M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2015.  Minimising Research Bottlenecks by Decluttering NMR Spectra. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(17):6623-6630.
Brioche, J, Pike SJ, Tshepelevitsh S, Leito I, Morris GA, Webb SJ, Clayden J.  2015.  Conformational Switching of a Foldamer in a Multicomponent System by pH-Filtered Selection between Competing Noncovalent Interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(20):6680-6691.
Ferrando-Soria, Jùs, Fernandez A, Moreno Pineda E, Varey SA, Adams RW, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Tuna F, Timco GA, Muryn CA, Winpenny REP.  2015.  Controlled Synthesis of Nanoscopic Metal Cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(24):7644-7647.
BjörnerÃ¥s, J, Nilsson M, Mäler L.  2015.  Analysing DHPC/DMPC bicelles by diffusion NMR and multivariate decomposition. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1848(11):2910-2917.
Le Bailly, BAF, Byrne L, Diemer V, Foroozandeh M, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2015.  Flaws in foldamers: conformational uniformity and signal decay in achiral helical peptide oligomers. Chem. Sci.. 6(4):2313-2322.
Foroozandeh, M, Adams RW, Kiraly P, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2015.  Measuring couplings in crowded NMR spectra: pure shift NMR with multiplet analysis. Chem. Commun.. 51(84):15410-15413.
Aguilar, JA, Kiraly P, Adams RW, Bonneau Mëlle, Grayson EJ, Nilsson M, Kenwright AM, Morris GA.  2015.  Ultra-high dispersion NMR reveals new levels of detail. RSC Adv..