Doctoral Student (2007 - 2011)
New NMR methods for mixture analysis
I studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), specialising in process control and environmental engineering. However, I felt that there was something still missing. In order to optimize any process we need to know what are we dealing with, and for that we need to use the best available analytical tools. As a result I moved into the fields of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and multivariate statistics.
From 2007 to 2011 I was an EPSRC-sponsored PhD student in ‘New methods in mixture analysis’, within the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester (supervised by Dr Mathias Nilsson and Prof Gareth A. Morris). This included pioneering multiway statistics in the analysis of multidimensional NMR data (T1-DOSY and Timecourse DOSY), creation of a new method hyphenating chromatography and NMR, and developing, testing and optimizing novel NMR sequences for both Varian and Bruker, including Oneshot45 and DEPTSE.
I am now moving to the University of Toronto to study multiphase mixtures by NMR, developing new methods to understand the molecular processes behind soil/sediment contamination.
Botana, A., Howe, P. W. A., Caër, V., Morris, G. A., Nilsson, M. High Resolution 13C DOSY: The DEPTSE experiment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance In press.
Botana, A., Aguilar, J. A., Nilsson, M., Morris, G. A. J-modulation effects in DOSY experiments and their suppression: The Oneshot45. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2011, 208 (2), 270-278.
Khajeh, M., Botana, A., Bernstein, M. A., Nilsson, M., Morris, G. A. Reaction Kinetics Studied Using Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy and Multi-Way Chemometrics. Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82 (5), 2102-2018.
Nilsson, M., Botana, A., Morris, G. A. T1-Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mixture Analysis Using Parallel Factor Analysis. Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81 (19), 8119–8125.
Nilsson, M., Khajeh, M., Botana, A., Bernstein, M. A., Morris, G. A. Diffusion NMR and trilinear analysis in the study of reaction kinetics. Chemical Communications 2009, 10, 1252-1254.