Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Pure shift DOSY
Matrix-assisted DOSY
New methods for mixture analysis by liquids NMR
I obtained my MChem (1st class honours) at the University of Oxford in 2003. The 4th year thesis was supervised by Dr C. R. Timmel. The major body of this work was in collaboration with Dr M. M. Britton.
I continued this work into my DPhil (2003 – 2008), an extended study of magnetic field effects on autocatalytic systems. This continued the established collaboration with Dr M. M. Britton and involved further collaboration with Dr M. A. Hayward.
I moved to Manchester in the summer of 2008 to take up a two year post-doctoral research associate position working on pure shift DOSY, supervised by Professor G. A. Morris. This project was in close association with the flavours company Givaudan. This has been followed by a further, one year, post-doctoral position under Dr M. Nilsson looking at “New methods for mixture analysis by liquids NMRâ€.
I have recently started a further one year position with Professor Nicola Tirelli, working in the KCMC, investigating the dynamic behaviour of colloids and nonomaterials in aqueous dispersions.
I remain a member of the GAM group, continuing my research and helping to supervise MChem students.
Morris, GA, Aguilar, JA, Evans, R, Haiber, S and Nilsson, M, 2010, ‘ True Chemical Shift Correlation Maps: A TOCSY Experiment with Pure Shifts in Both Dimensions. ’, J. Am. Chem. Soc, vol. 132 pp. 12770 – 12772
Tormena, C, Evans, R, Haiber, S, Nilsson, M, and Morris, GA, 2010, ‘Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered spectroscopy: mixture resolution by NMR using SDS micelles’, Magn. Reson. Chem, vol. 48 pp. 550 – 553
Evans, R, Haiber, S, Nilsson, M, and Morris, GA, 2009, ‘Isomer Resolution by Micelle-Assisted Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy’, Anal. Chem, vol. 81 pp. 4548 – 4550
Evans, R, Henbest, KB, Hayward, MA, Britton, MM, Maeda, K and Timmel, CR, 2009, ‘SQUID magnetometry as a tool for following a clock reaction in solution’ Dalton Trans, vol. 14 pp. 2467 – 2469
Evans, R, Timmel, CR, Hore, PJ and Britton, MM, 2006, ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Manipulation of a Chemical Wave using an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field’, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 128 pp. 7309 – 7314
Evans, R, Timmel, CR, Hore, PJ and Britton, MM, 2004, ‘Magnetic resonance imaging of a magnetic field-dependent chemical wave’, Chem. Phys. Lett, vol. 397 pp. 67 – 72