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Kaltschnee, L, Knoll K, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2016.  Extraction of distance restraints from pure shift NOE experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 271:99-109.
Kaltschnee, L, Kolmer A, Timari I, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Köver KE, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2014.  â€œPerfecting” pure shift HSQC: full homodecoupling for accurate and precise determination of heteronuclear couplings. Chem. Commun.. 50:2512-2514.
Keeler, J, Morris GA.  2024.  Ray Freeman. 6 January 1932—1 May 2022. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 76:201-220.
Keeler, J, Morris GA.  2022.  Ray Freeman 1932–2022. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 341:107248.
Khajeh, M, Bernstein MA, Morris GA.  2010.  A simple flowcell for reaction monitoring by NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 48(7):516-522.
Khajeh, M, Botana A, Bernstein MA, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2010.  Reaction Kinetics Studied Using Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy and Multiway Chemometrics. Analytical Chemistry. 82(5):2102-2108.
Kiraly, P, Dal Poggetto G, Castanar L, Nilsson M, Deák A, Morris GA.  2021.  Broadband measurement of true transverse relaxation rates in systems with coupled protons: application to the study of conformational exchange. Chemical Science. 12(34):11538-11547.
Kiraly, P, Morris GA, Quanxiu L, Nilsson M.  2019.  Sharpening Up Your Spectra: Broadband Homonuclear Decoupling in HSQC by Real-Time Pure Shift Acquisition. Synlett. 30(09):1015-1025.
Kiraly, P, Foroozandeh M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2017.  Anatomising proton NMR spectra with pure shift 2D J-spectroscopy: A cautionary tale. Chemical Physics Letters. 683:398-403.
Kiraly, P, Adams RW, Paudel L, Foroozandeh M, Aguilar JA, Timári Ián, Cliff MJ, Nilsson M, Sándor Péter, Batta G et al..  2015.  Real-time pure shift 15N HSQC of proteins: a real improvement in resolution and sensitivity. Journal of Biomolecular NMR.
Kiraly, P, Kern N, Plesniak MP, Nilsson M, Procter DJ, Morris GA, Adams RW.  2021.  Needles from haystacks: single‐scan selective excitation of individual NMR signals in overlapping multiplets. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60:666-669.
Kiraly, P, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Adams RW.  2021.  Single-scan ultra-selective 1D total correlation spectroscopy. Chemical Communications.
Kiraly, P, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2018.  Semi-real-time acquisition for fast pure shift NMR at maximum resolution. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 293:19-27. Abstract
Kiraly, P, Swan I, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2016.  Improving accuracy in DOSY and diffusion measurements using triaxial field gradients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 270:24-30.