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Barjat, H, Morris GA, Swanson AG.  1998.  A three-dimensional DOSY-HMQC experiment for the high-resolution analysis of complex mixtures. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 131:131-138. Abstract
Pelta, MD, Barjat H, Morris GA, Davis AL, Hammond SJ.  1998.  Pulse sequences for high-resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (HR-DOSY). Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 36:706-714. Abstract
Werbelow, LG, Morris GA, Kumar P, Kowalewski J.  1999.  Cross-correlated quadrupolar spin relaxation and carbon-13 lineshapes in the (CD2)-C-13 spin grouping. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 140:1-8. Abstract
Bichenkova, EV, Marks D, Dobrikov MI, Vlassov VV, Morris GA, Douglas KT.  1999.  Refined high-field NMR solution structure of a binary-addressed pyrene/perfluoro azide complementary DNA oligonucleotide system shows extensive distortion in the central nick region. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 17:193-+. Abstract
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Ã…man P.  1999.  Arabinoxylan fractionation on DEAE-cellulose chromatography influenced by protease pre-treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 39(4):321-326.
Bowyer, PJ, Swanson AG, Morris GA.  1999.  Randomized acquisition for the suppression of systematic F-1 artifacts in two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 140:513-515. Abstract
Mordi, MN, Pelta MD, Boote V, Morris GA, Barber J.  2000.  Acid-catalyzed degradation of clarithromycin and erythromycin B: A comparative study using NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 43:467-474. Abstract
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Andersson R, Autio K, Ã…man P.  2000.  Heterogeneity in a water-extractable rye arabinoxylan with a low degree of disubstitution. Carbohydrate Polymers. 41(4):397-405.
Bowyer, PJ, Swanson AG, Morris GA.  2001.  Analyzing and correcting spectrometer temperature sensitivity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 152:234-246. Abstract
Stewart, LJ, Bailey S, Collison D, Morris GA, Preece I, Garner CD.  2001.  In vivo oxo transfer: Reactions of native and W-substituted dimethyl sulfoxide reductase monitored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Chembiochem. 2:703-706.
Loening, NM, Keeler J, Morris GA.  2001.  One-dimensional DOSY. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 153:103-112. Abstract
Harris, RK, Kinnear KA, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Samadi-Maybodi A, Azizi N.  2001.  Silicon-29 diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) as a tool for studying aqueous silicates. Chemical Communications. :2422-2423. Abstract
Hodge, P, Monvisade P, Morris GA, Preece I.  2001.  A novel NMR method for screening soluble compound libraries. Chemical Communications. :239-240. Abstract
Box, JM, Harwood LM, Humphreys JL, Morris GA, Redon PM, Whitehead RC.  2002.  Dehydration of quinate derivatives: Synthesis of a difluoromethylene homologue of shikimic acid. Synlett. :358-360. Abstract
Bilia, AR, Bergonzi MC, Vincieri FF, Lo Nostro P, Morris GA.  2002.  A diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy study of the solubilization of artemisinin by octanoyl-6-O-ascorbic acid micelles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 91:2265-2270. Abstract
Bragg, RA, Clayden J, Morris GA, Pink JH.  2002.  Stereodynamics of bond rotation in tertiary aromatic amides. Chemistry-a European Journal. 8:1279-1289. Abstract
Evans, CL, Morris GA, Davis AL.  2002.  A new method for variable temperature gradient shimming. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 154:325-328. Abstract
Pelta, MD, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Hammond SJ.  2002.  A one-shot sequence for high-resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 40:S147-S152. Abstract
Sharif, S, Bansal N, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2002.  What Makes a Student Succeed? Pharmacy Education. 2(3):147-149.
Begum, L, Box JM, Drew MGB, Harwood LM, Humphreys JL, Lowes DJ, Morris GA, Redon PM, Walker FM, Whitehead RC.  2003.  Difluorinated analogues of shikimic acid. Tetrahedron. 59:4827-4841. Abstract
Morris, GA, Jerome NP, Lian LY.  2003.  Real-time chemical-shift scaling in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 42:823-825.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2003.  Can We Predict Student Success (and Reduce Student Failure)? Pharmacy Education. 3(2):77-86.
Nilsson, M, Duarte IF, Almeida C, Delgadillo I, Goodfellow BJ, Gil AM, Morris GA.  2004.  High-Resolution NMR and Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy of Port Wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(12):3736-3743.