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Paudel, L, Adams RW, Kiraly P, Aguilar JA, Foroozandeh M, Cliff MJ, Nilsson M, Sándor Péter, Waltho JP, Morris GA.  2013.  Simultaneously Enhancing Spectral Resolution and Sensitivity in Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 52(44):11616-11619.
Islam, S, Aguilar JA, Powner MW, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Sutherland JD.  2013.  Detection of Potential TNA and RNA Nucleoside Precursors in a Prebiotic Mixture by Pure Shift Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy. Chemistry - A European Journal. 19(14):4586-4595.
Codling, DJ, Zheng G, Stait-Gardner T, Yang S, Nilsson M, Price WS.  2013.  Diffusion Studies of Dihydroxybenzene Isomers in Water–Alcohol Systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(9):2734-2741.
Basar, NB, Liu H, Negi D, Sirat HM, Morris GA, Thomas EJ.  2012.  Total synthesis of a cuticular hydrocarbon from the cane beetle Antitrogus parvulus: confirmation of the relative stereochemistry. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 10(9):1743.
Solomon, SA, Bickelhaupt MF, Layfield RA, Nilsson M, Poater J, Solà M.  2011.  A donor-functionalized, silyl-substituted pentadienyllithium: structural insight from experiment and theory. Chemical Communications. 47(21):6162.
Solà, J, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2011.  Measuring Screw-Sense Preference in a Helical Oligomer by Comparison of 13C NMR Signal Separation at Slow and Fast Exchange. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133(11):3712-3715.
Villanueva, RD, Sousa AMM, Gonçalves MP, Nilsson M, Hilliou L.  2010.  Production and properties of agar from the invasive marine alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 22(2):211-220.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2010.  The Relationship Between Learning Styles, Attendance and Academic Performance of Pharmacy Undergraduates. Pharmacy Education. 10(2):138-143.
Arthurs, CL, Morris GA, Piacenti M, Pritchard RG, Stratford IJ, Tatic T, Whitehead RC, Williams KF, Wind NS.  2010.  The synthesis of 2-oxyalkyl-cyclohex-2-enones, related to the bioactive natural products COTC and antheminone A, which possess anti-tumour properties. Tetrahedron. 66(46):9049-9060.
Clayden, J, Castellanos A, Solà J, Morris GA.  2009.  Quantifying End-to-End Conformational Communication of Chirality through an Achiral Peptide Chain. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 48(32):5962-5965.
Connell, MA, Bowyer PJ, Bone P, Davis AL, Swanson AG, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2009.  Improving the accuracy of pulsed field gradient NMR diffusion experiments: Correction for gradient non-uniformity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 198(1):121-131.
Bollans, L, Bacsa J, Iggo JA, Morris GA, Stachulski AV.  2009.  The acyl nitroso Diels-Alder (ANDA) reaction of sorbate derivatives: an X-ray and N-15 NMR study with an application to amino-acid synthesis. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 7:4531-4538. Abstract
Clayden, J, Lemiègre Lïc, Morris GA, Pickworth M, Snape TJ, Jones LH.  2008.  Helix Persistence and Breakdown in Oligoureas of Metaphenylenediamine: Apparent Diastereotopicity as a Spectroscopic Marker of Helix Length in Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130(45):15193-15202.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2007.  Diagnostic testing of first year pharmacy students: A tool for targeted student support. Pharmacy Education. 7(3):215-221.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2007.  An investigation of the self-evaluation skills of first year pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education. 7(4):295-302.
Stchedroff, MJ, Kenwright AM, Morris GA, Nilsson M, Harris RK.  2004.  2D and 3D DOSY methods for studying mixtures of oligomeric dimethylsiloxanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6(13):3221.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2003.  Can We Predict Student Success (and Reduce Student Failure)? Pharmacy Education. 3(2):77-86.
Sharif, S, Bansal N, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2002.  What Makes a Student Succeed? Pharmacy Education. 2(3):147-149.
Pelta, MD, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Hammond SJ.  2002.  A one-shot sequence for high-resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 40:S147-S152. Abstract
Bowyer, PJ, Swanson AG, Morris GA.  2001.  Analyzing and correcting spectrometer temperature sensitivity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 152:234-246. Abstract
Stewart, LJ, Bailey S, Collison D, Morris GA, Preece I, Garner CD.  2001.  In vivo oxo transfer: Reactions of native and W-substituted dimethyl sulfoxide reductase monitored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Chembiochem. 2:703-706.
Harris, RK, Kinnear KA, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Samadi-Maybodi A, Azizi N.  2001.  Silicon-29 diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) as a tool for studying aqueous silicates. Chemical Communications. :2422-2423. Abstract
Bowyer, PJ, Swanson AG, Morris GA.  1999.  Randomized acquisition for the suppression of systematic F-1 artifacts in two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 140:513-515. Abstract
Barjat, H, Morris GA, Swanson AG.  1998.  A three-dimensional DOSY-HMQC experiment for the high-resolution analysis of complex mixtures. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 131:131-138. Abstract
Nilsson, M, Saulnier L, Andersson R, Ã…man P.  1996.  Water unextractable polysaccharides from three milling fractions of rye grain. Carbohydrate Polymers. 30(4):229-237.