Prof. Gareth Morris awarded the Russell Varian Prize at Euromar 2011

The prize was awarded at a ceremony during the EUROMAR 2011 meeting in Frankfurt, August 21-25, when Gareth delivered the Russell Varian Lecture.

This prize is awarded to a researcher based on a single innovative contribution that has had a high and broad impact on the state-of-the-art NMR technology. This is one of the most prestigious awards in NMR and previous recipients include Jeener, Hahn, Bloembergen, Waugh, Redfield, Pines, Overhauser and Karplus.

The INEPT sequence for which Gareth received the prize is available to view here. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101, 760 (1979))

Gareth Morris Receiving the Russell Varian Prize for his INEPT contribution to NMR

There is an Agilent press release about this award on their website.