P-type gradient-enhanced COSY experiments show lower t(1) noise than N-type

TitleP-type gradient-enhanced COSY experiments show lower t(1) noise than N-type
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsHorne, TJ, Morris GA
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Chemistry
ISBN Number0749-1581
Accession NumberWOS:A1997YA18900004

Many of the perturbations that lead to t(1) noise in 2D NMR spectroscopy cause fluctuations in the relative phases of pulses and coherences. Because the sensitivity of the phase of a coherence to changes in the phase of a pulse depends on the change of coherence order, P-type signals in homonuclear correlation experiments are insensitive to errors in the phase of the mixing pulse, and hence they show less t(1) noise than N-type signals. This effect is illustrated for the gradient COSY experiment. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
