;f1-psyche-tocsyzqs.mf ;TOCSY with DIPSI and ZQF ;Pure shift in F1 using PSYCHE ; ;Ultrahigh-resolution Total Correlation NMR Spectroscopy, ;Foroozandeh, M.; Adams, R. W.; Nilsson, M.; Morris, G. A. ;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (34), pp 11867-11869 #include #include #include "p2=2*p1" "d0=0u" "in0=inf1/2" "FACTOR1=(d9/(p6*115.112))/2+0.5" "l1=FACTOR1*2" "d12=20u" "d18=10u" "d19=10u" 1 ze 2 d1 3 d12 pl1:f1 p1 ph1 d0 50u UNBLKGRAD p16:gp1 d16 p2 ph5 50u p16:gp1 d16 p17:gp2 d17 10u pl0:f1 d16 d19 d18 gron10 (p10:sp10 ph6):f1 d18 d19 groff d16 10u pl1:f1 p17:gp2 d17 d0 p1 ph2 5u pl0:f1 d19 d18 gron11 (p11:sp1 ph4):f1 d18 d19 groff d17 5u pl10:f1 4 p6*3.556 ph23 p6*4.556 ph25 p6*3.222 ph23 p6*3.167 ph25 p6*0.333 ph23 p6*2.722 ph25 p6*4.167 ph23 p6*2.944 ph25 p6*4.111 ph23 p6*3.556 ph25 p6*4.556 ph23 p6*3.222 ph25 p6*3.167 ph23 p6*0.333 ph25 p6*2.722 ph23 p6*4.167 ph25 p6*2.944 ph23 p6*4.111 ph25 p6*3.556 ph25 p6*4.556 ph23 p6*3.222 ph25 p6*3.167 ph23 p6*0.333 ph25 p6*2.722 ph23 p6*4.167 ph25 p6*2.944 ph23 p6*4.111 ph25 p6*3.556 ph23 p6*4.556 ph25 p6*3.222 ph23 p6*3.167 ph25 p6*0.333 ph23 p6*2.722 ph25 p6*4.167 ph23 p6*2.944 ph25 p6*4.111 ph23 lo to 4 times l1 5u pl0:f1 p18:gp5 d17 d19 d18 gron12 (p12:sp2 ph4):f1 d18 d19 groff d17 50u BLKGRAD 5u pl1:f1 p1 ph3 go=2 ph31 d1 mc #0 to 2 F1PH(ip1, id0) exit ph1= 0 2 ph2= 0 ph3= 0 ph4= 0 ph5= 0 ph6= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 ph23=3 ph25=1 ph31=0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 ;p1: high power 90 pulse width ;p2: high power 180 pulse width ;p6 : 90 degree low power pulse ;p10: duration of PSYCHE chirp element ;p11: duration ZQ suppression chirp pulse ;p12: duration ZQ suppression chirp pulse ;p16: duration of CTP gradient ;p17: duration of CTP gradient ;p18:duration of homospoil gradient ;pl1: f1 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;pl10: 120 dB ;pl10: DIPSI-2 power ;sp1: selective pulse power level ;spoffs1: selective pulse offset (0 Hz) ;spnam1: file name for selective pulse ;sp2: selective pulse power level ;spoffs2: selective pulse offset (0 Hz) ;spnam2: file name for selective pulse ;sp10: selective pulse power level ;spoffs10: selective pulse offset (0 Hz) ;spnam10: file name for selective pulse ;gpz1: CTP gradient 49% ;gpz2: CTP gradient 77% ;gpz3: CTP gradient 25% ;gpz10: psyche gradient 1-3 % ;gpz11: ZQS gradient 1-3% ;gpz12: ZQS gradient 1-3 % ;gpnam1: SINE.100 ;gpnam2: SINE.100 ;gpnam3: SINE.100 ;gpnam10: SINE.100 ;gpnam11: SINE.100 ;gpnam12: SINE.100 ;d0 : incremented delay ;d1 : relaxation delay ;d9 : TOCSY mixing time ;d16: gradient stabilisation delay ;d17: gradient stabilisation delay ;l1 : loop for DIPSI cycle ;in0 : 1/(2 * SW) = DW ;NS : number of scans ;DS : number of dummy scans ;td1 : number of t1 increments ;MC2 : TPPI